Updates to Hong Kong Companies Ordinance
General A private company (limited by shares) is the most common form of Hong Kong companies for trading and doing business. Companies incorporated and registered in Hong Kong are governed by the Companies Ordinance (amended in 2013) under Hong Kong law. Timeframe The incorporation of a Hong Kong private…
Singapore Employment Pass Information (Jan 2015)
The Employment Pass is a work pass for foreign professionals working in managerial, executive or specialised jobs. Eligibility Foreigners who are interested to work, have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills, and has a managerial, executive or specialised job offer in Singapore of…
Selected Key Legislative Amendments to Singapore Companies Act be effected in 2016 (Phase 2)
General The Companies (Amendment) Act 2014 (“Amendment Act”) was passed by Parliament on 8 October 2014 and assented to by the President on 18 November 2014. ACRA has announced a 2-phase implementation approach to the legislative amendments to Singapore Companies Act (“CA”), where about 40% of the over 200 legislative…
Selected Key Legislative Amendments to Singapore Companies Act be effected on 1 July 2015 (Phase 1)
General The Companies (Amendment) Act 2014 (“Amendment Act”) was passed by Parliament on 8 October 2014 and assented to by the President on 18 November 2014. ACRA has announced a 2-phase implementation approach to the legislative amendments to Singapore Companies Act (“CA”), where about 40% of the over 200 legislative…
Singapore P and Q Employment Pass Information (Jan 2014)
The P and Q Employment Pass are work passes for foreign professionals working in managerial, executive or specialised jobs. Eligibility Foreigners who are interested to work and has a job offer in Singapore may apply for an Employment Pass (EP). To qualify for one of these EP, the applicants…
Singapore Personalised Employment Pass as at Jan 2014
Eligibility Foreigners who wish to work in Singapore can apply for the Singapore Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) if they are: Overseas foreign professional whose last drawn fixed monthly salary overseas was at least $18,000The last drawn fixed monthly salary overseas should be no more than six months from the time…