Key Employment Terms (KETs) in Singapore
Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced in 2014 that the Ministry would require employers to issue key employment terms (KETs) in two years. Who Employers must issue KETs to their employees who are: Newly employed on or after 1 April 2016; Covered by the Employment Act; and Employed for a continuous period…
Requirements for Itemised Payslips in Singapore
MOM announced in 2014 that the Ministry would require employers to issue itemised payslips in two years. Employers are required to provide itemised payslips to all their employees covered under the Employment Act (EA) together with their salary payments. Employers may choose to issue the payslips in soft or hard copy,…
Employment Bill Changes in Singapore
Amendments to Employment Bill – Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced in 2014 that the Ministry would require employers to issue itemised payslips and key employment terms (KETs) in two years. MOM intends to effect these new requirements on 1 April 2016, and all employers are required to comply with…
Lean Enterprise Development (LED) Scheme
LED Scheme to help Progressive Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to Transform and Grow in a Manpower-Lean Economy Objectives of LED Scheme To support SMEs that want to be pioneers and early adopters of change to be: more productive; more innovative; and more manpower-lean. When is it? The LED Scheme is piloted…
Singapore Employment Pass Information (Jan 2015)
The Employment Pass is a work pass for foreign professionals working in managerial, executive or specialised jobs. Eligibility Foreigners who are interested to work, have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills, and has a managerial, executive or specialised job offer in Singapore of…
Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and DBS Launch Integrated Process for Work Permit Applicants
A one-stop process for Work Permit (WP) applicants to open a POSB salary crediting account From 16 October 2014, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and DBS will launch a one-stop process for Work Permit (WP) applicants to open a POSB salary crediting account as part of the WP application…
Raising the Quality and Productivity of the Foreign Workforce
Hire and retain better skilled foreign workforce a key priority A. Longer Period of Employment for Construction, Marine and Process From 1 May 2014, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will extend the maximum Period of Employment for Higher Skilled R1 Work Permit Holders (WPHs) from Non-Traditional Sources (NTS) and the People’s…
Singapore P and Q Employment Pass Information (Jan 2014)
The P and Q Employment Pass are work passes for foreign professionals working in managerial, executive or specialised jobs. Eligibility Foreigners who are interested to work and has a job offer in Singapore may apply for an Employment Pass (EP). To qualify for one of these EP, the applicants…